organizations. You had the KKK and you had the White Citizens Councils. One was blue collar which, of course, was the Klan. The other was white collar which was the White Citizens Council.
Now, guess who did the dirty work out in the field and guess who got pulled into trial. That would be the Klan.
Now, I know that it is hard for some folks to understand, but if, during the 60's, you grew up in certain segments of society, and you were poor and powerless white male, being part of the Klan gave you some sense of power and significance. Racism was so endemic at the time tht you really didn't give it a second thought.
It was the old gentry class who manipulated poor whites, sometimes openly and sometimes subtly, into attacking black folks. And, of course, the irony of it all is that if you took away skin color, poor whites had more in common with poor blacks than the gentry class.
Back then, the Gentry class convinced the poor whites that "family values" included keeping black folks in their place, especially when it came down to the white women in their families. That was the threat they used: talking about a "mongrel race" , talking about black men coming after your daughters, etc.
It was all about dividing and conquering the masses in Mississippi so they could stay in control.
Well, gee whiz, guess what the Republicans have done since that time. They still play the race card, and the family values isn't so much skin color, but abortion,etc.
The Republicans are quite brilliant at manipulation.
Now, does this explanation justify the violence perpetuated by the Klan? No, it was and is organization dedicated to violence.
However, the White Citizen's Council never dirtied their hands. They convinced the poor whites do it for them.