please show me where, as DUers put it
"He said a little for, but a lot against Bush. It really was a rebuke against the US."
"The war was illegal...he didn't mince any words."
"He is eloquently ripping Bush apart"
"Very diplomatically ripping him apart"
please, someone explain to me why this isn't an acknowledgement of bush's allegation that the UN is becoming irrelevant.
"But it is not enough to denounce unilateralism, unless we also face up squarely to the concerns that make some States feel uniquely vulnerable, since it is those concerns that drive them to take unilateral action. We must show that those concerns can, and will, be addressed effectively through collective action.
Excellencies, we have come to a fork in the road. This may be a moment no less decisive than 1945 itself, when the United Nations was founded.
Now we must decide whether it is possible to continue on the basis agreed then, or whether radical changes are needed.
And we must not shy away from questions about the adequacy, and effectiveness, of the rules and instruments at our disposal. "
as i said earlier, were we listening to the same speech??