I started out liking this guy... somewhat. I think he would be a good VP. But I think that like many I was caught up in the whole image of this 4-star general that’s on our side for a change. Yet now, the more I see of him, the less and less I am comfortable with him.
First off this stuff about him being a republican and voting republican until just a few years ago concerns me. So far everything I’ve seen from Clark and his supporters has painted him as this great liberal progressive hope. I got the impression this guy was supposed to be a dyed in the wool democrat, an old school progressive and yet now I find out he was a f-ing repuke just a few years ago? So what, he underwent some massively profound ideological conversion?
I recalled someone posting a quote from Clark that was very complementary of the PNAC crew, that they were his friends and he’d work with them again. If someone could repost that, with a link, I’d appreciate it. I went looking for it and while I could not find that quote I did find some information about Clark’s actions in Yugoslavia.
What’s with the war crimes accusations? Is this true? Did he really order the brits to attack the Russian forces and have them flat refuse the order? Did he really order the bombing of a hospital filled with civilians because there were some soldiers hiding there?
From The Guardian, Tuesday August 3, 1999:
No sooner are we told by Britain's top generals that the Russians played a crucial role in ending the west's war against Yugoslavia than we learn that if Nato's supreme commander, the American General Wesley Clark, had had his way, British paratroopers would have stormed Pristina airport threatening to unleash the most frightening crisis with Moscow since the end of the cold war.
"I'm not going to start the third world war for you," General Sir Mike Jackson, commander of the international K-For peacekeeping force, is reported to have told Gen Clark when he refused to accept an order to send assault troops to prevent Russian troops from taking over the airfield of Kosovo's provincial capital.
Then I find this info that Clark is part of a group called CSIS with guys like Henry Kissinger and James Woolsey. :wtf:
Also a senior adviser at CSIS - (Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1800 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 Fax 202-775-3153 ]
2000 CSIS budget, $16 million,
CSIS Affiliates: The International Councillors, a group of international business leaders chaired by Henry Kissinger, meets semiannually to discuss the implications of the changing economic and strategic environment. The Advisory Board is composed of both public- and private-sector policymakers, including several members of Congress. Zbigniew Brzezinski and Carla Hills cochair the board. The Washington Roundtable meets three to four times a year with members of Congress, executive branch officials, and other Washington experts to discuss pressing policy issues of the day. The Houston and Dallas Roundtables bring together local business leaders and CSIS experts to discuss current international political and economic trends.
CSIS Board, Counselors, and Advisers Board of Trustees Chairman Sam Nunn Senior Partner, King and Spalding Vice Chairman David M. Abshire President, Center for the Study of the Presidency, and Cofounder of CSIS Chairman, Executive Committee Anne Armstrong* Former U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain Members George L. Argyros Carla A. Hills Betty Beene Ray L. Hunt Reginald K. Brack Henry A. Kissinger William E. Brock Donald B. Marron Harold Brown Felix G. Rohatyn Zbigniew Brzezinski Charles A. Sanders William S. Cohen James R. Schlesinger J. Michael Cook William A. Schreyer* Ralph Cossa Brent Scowcroft Douglas N. Daft Murray Weidenbaum Robert A. Day Dolores D. Wharton Richard Fairbanks Frederick B. Whittemore Michael P. Galvin* R. James Woolsey Joseph T. Gorman Amos A. Jordan, (Emeritus) John J. Hamre* Leonard H. Marks, (Emeritus) Robert S. Strauss, (Emeritus) *Member of the Executive Committee Counselors William E. Brock Henry A. Kissinger Harold Brown Sam Nunn Zbigniew Brzezinski James R. Schlesinger William S. Cohen Brent Scowcroft Richard Fairbanks Senior Advisers J. Carter Beese Amos A. Jordan Bradley D. Belt John Kornblum James M. Bodner Robert H. Kupperman Stanton H. Burnett Laurence Martin Richard R. Burt Thomas F. (Mack) McLarty Wesley K. Clark Walter Slocombe William K. Clark, Jr. Robert Tyrer Arnaud de Borchgrave Anthony Zinni Diana Lady Dougan Luis E. Giusti Fred C. Iklé (Distinguished Scholar in Residence)
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/GOW309A.htmlWith all the shit that has been, quite justly, directed at Bush over his killing of civilians in Iraq… how can we throw our support behind a guy who did a lot of the same kind of shit. If even a tenth of this shit about Clark’s actions in Yugoslavia is true, this man should be in a prison cell, not the white house.