GOP event shows rift in Oregon factions
A Friday fund-raiser honoring Oregon's "Republican heritage," including former statewide
leaders such as Clay Myers and Bill Rutherford, should raise tens of thousands of dollars for the
party, Chairman Kevin Mannix said Monday.
Problem is, neither
Myers nor
Rutherford want
anything to do with
the event, even
though their names
are heralded in the
formal invitations.
Myers -- a moderate
Republican who
was secretary of
state when Tom
McCall was
governor -- is
boycotting it
because he thinks
the party has
moved too far to
the right,
abandoning it's
progressive roots.
another moderate
who served as state
treasurer, says
"they hijacked my
name" and that he didn't even know about the event until he got invited to attend -- for a $250
donation. source: