I Was Asked My Opinion About Bush's U N Speech
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:11 PM
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I Was Asked My Opinion About Bush's U N Speech |
I had just finished working out at Ballys and was reading the New York Times in the steam room...
This man asked if I had seen Bush's U N speech and what was my reaction to it....
I said I never doubted the power of the American military to make another nation cry "uncle" and bend them to their will but we will now be there a long time and spend lots of dollars and lives ..... I compared it to finding a spouse the caveman way;clubbing her over the head and taking her back to your cave as opposed to wooing her and winning her affection by example.... The latter makes for a better realationship....
Then this wingnut (not the guy who started the conversation) started ranting about the liberal media...
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:12 PM
Response to Original message |
1. Probably safer to say you didn't see it |
Watch what you say and watch what you do...
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:13 PM
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2. You should have clubbed him over the head and |
Sent him back to the cave that he came from.
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:13 PM
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I would have started singing "Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies"
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:18 PM
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4. And what, pray tell did that have to do with a verbatim speech and your |
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:20 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
That the former Prez of the GOP and many conservatives have ackgnowledged the total lack of a liberal media?
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:21 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
7. I Wasn't About To Say The Speech Sucked |
and * Sucks Too.....
But I think if you read my post you can see the subtle critique...
I saw a startling statistic.... Only 22% of white males identify themselves as Democratic... I wasn't about to start WW3 in the steam room at Ballys...
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:24 PM
Response to Reply #7 |
10. Wise choice and those with room in their tiny brain cells for logic |
may have been helped. Good way to handle the situation without being lambasted.
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:22 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
8. Jeez, really. Did the "librul media" show a different speech or something? |
God, I despise ignorant people!
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:31 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
13. I don't think the guy was close enough to see the name of the paper... |
I believe he inferred that I like to keep up with what's going on.....
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:19 PM
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5. Would this be the same Librul Media |
Edited on Tue Sep-23-03 04:21 PM by dbt
That found it necessary to embellish (Illuminate?) bu$h's speech to the UN today with video clips (CBS)? As if to distract from that annoying lack of applause that his address brought?
:evilgrin: dbt
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:42 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
19. It's Important for DUers or Anybody To Know What People Think |
I think he meant to imply that things in Iraq are going well and the liberal media isn't reporting the "true" story....
I am convinced that a year from now most folks won't even know why we are there...
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:23 PM
Response to Original message |
9. How can you read the Times in the steam room? |
Sorry but at least it kicks your thread. :D
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:27 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
11. You always ask the pertinent question. It also makes me realize how |
goofy my comment was. If course, the NYT is considered to be the "liberal media". Funny, I diden't even consider that aspect of the situation. Dummy me.
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:29 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
12. With Great Difficulty.... |
The lighting is pretty good though....
Thanks for kicking my thread....
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:37 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
17. I Guess Reading The Times Is Making A Statement |
When I go to waiting rooms with tv I'll ask first and invariably put on CNN or MSNBC, not FAUX...
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:33 PM
Response to Original message |
14. Nothing worse than a wingnut with a liberal media hard-on |
You should have told him his Nixon was showing, & to close his robe!
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:34 PM
Response to Reply #14 |
15. Thank God We Have To Wear Bathing Suits |
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:36 PM
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Fewer wingnuts than Bally's, I'll bet. (I'm assuming that you're reading the Times because you live in New York.)
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Tue Sep-23-03 04:39 PM
Response to Reply #16 |
You can get The Times home delivered in any medium sized or big city now....
I am originally from NY but I moved when I was 11....
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Tue Sep-23-03 05:27 PM
Response to Reply #18 |
20. Okay, I made a stupid assumption |
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Tue Sep-23-03 05:38 PM
Response to Reply #20 |
you didn't make a stupid assumption....
The Times is really a national newspaper like U S Today and the WSJ, only much better....
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:07 AM
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