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Edwards on Capital Report at 9 ET tonight

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topdog08 Donating Member (235 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-23-03 05:45 PM
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Edwards on Capital Report at 9 ET tonight
Be sure to tune in to CNBC tonight at 9:00 PM to catch Senator Edwards on Capital Report. On the show, Edwards will talk about his call for a ban on lobbyists' money in federal elections and the momentum moving his presidential campaign forward.

To learn more about Edwards' proposed ban on lobbyists' money in
federal elections, click here or just keep reading:

RALEIGH, NC: Senator John Edwards (D-NC) Tuesday called for a ban on campaign contributions from federally registered lobbyists to federal candidates.

“Washington's filled with high-priced lobbyists who walk around with drafted legislation in one hand and envelopes filled with campaign contributions in the other,” Edwards said. “These lobbyists run the government, and they own this White House. We ought to say to these lobbyists, you can't give out campaign money. We ought to make that the law of the land.”

Senator Edwards said that too often in Washington - and without fail under President Bush - the interests of high-priced lobbyists have trumped those of the American people.

For instance, Senators Edwards, John McCain, and Edward Kennedy fought on the Senate floor to pass the Patient’s Bill of Rights. The legislation would have taken medical decision making away from HMOs and insurance companies and given it back to doctors. Despite its overwhelming public support, President Bush blocked the Patient’s Bill of Rights at the urging of insurance industry lobbyists.

At the prompting of energy industry lobbyists, President Bush has tried to weaken the Clean Air Act. Senator Edwards has fought an uphill battle to protect our air, introducing legislation to stop the EPA from creating regulatory loopholes to allow factories and power plants to emit more air pollution.

President Bush’s own advisors warned him about homeland security risks at chemical plants across the country. There are 123 facilities where a chemical release could threaten more than one million people. Senator Edwards fought for legislation to require major chemical plants to assess vulnerabilities and implement security improvements. In contrast, the White House has bowed to pressure from chemical industry lobbyists and blocked this legislation.

“Nobody who makes the law or enforces the law should take money from lobbyists trying to influence the law,” said Edwards.

Senator Edwards is leading by example. Since entering politics, Edwards has held himself to a higher standard than campaign law requires, and has refused contributions from federally registered lobbyists or Political Action Committees.

“I've never taken money from Washington lobbyists, and I never will,” said Edwards. “We'd be a lot better off if everyone in politics followed the same rule. We should make it the law - you can't take money from someone registered to lobby in front of you.”
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uptohere Donating Member (603 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-23-03 05:55 PM
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1. actions speak louder than words
what has your guy done ?

(Clark fans are exempt as the general has not had an opportunity to do anything due to his non-public servant status.)
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