I find it pretty astounding the messages and examples of immorality that are now being showered upon American society today, and ultimately American kids.
It seems frighteningly apparent that the Ken Lays, William Bennett, Dick Cheneys, Tom Delays of the world are doing far more harm to infect the minds of children than Bill Clinton could have ever thought of doing. But then again, Bill Clinton actually is capable of compassionate caring, and we can see that from the love and appreciation that is present for him wherever he goes. Republicans mechanically spew about Bill Clinton as if they are a 45 record stuck in a groove, and now more than ever I look at the disastrous moral behavior of the Republicans and an out of control Administration and I have to wonder how is this effecting American kids and our culture at large.
What concerns me the most is the message or lack thereof, regarding the election of 2000. It didn't help when one of our own candidates (John Kerry) dismissed the 2000 election and said we need to "get over it". Is the message to children to get over the truth, and hey, if you play by the rules and fight fair then you are going to lose so you better learn to play like the Republicans and be sure to have a lot of money and James Baker on your team? One thing I believe is that when the truth goes, so does a society.
Its about as immoral as it gets when we dismiss historic events like the election of 2000, the Iraq war, and our media continues to create a spectacle out of the California recall, instead of calling it the blatant anti-Democratic power grab that it is.
In essence, we are teaching our kids and teens to be immoral and to be ruled by money and power over others, something Bill Clinton in my opinion would never do. The importance of comprimise is being almost unlearned.
I think of how truth has been turned upside down and now more than ever, our ACTIONS are going to have to speak SO MUCH louder than our words, because words have been pretty twisted and tortured by factions that say the opposite of what they mean. Talk about playing with a kid's mind. Theres some inner conflict waiting to happen.
It would be nice to hear this issue addressed by Democratic leaders. I know they are inundated, but I believe this issue would resonate with American families. If we teach our children to respect those that abuse privilege and power, are we creating a truly immoral society? Ultimately, we should never stop talking about the 2000 electioin and should begin to speak more on the consequences that have been a result of that election.