Gilliard did a spot-on take on Dick Durbin's apology; lookit this in the comments section!
I am deeply saddened Senator Durbin by your backing down in the face of the right-wing noise machine's 'criticism/cowardly spinning what is in the minds of many, your very on point remarks about what we should expect from our fighting forces and those who dictate those fighting forces actions.
I, and anyone with a rational bone in his or her body understood exactly what you meant with your comment. You said that when you read about that account, it sounded so off-the-charts for what American soldiers would do that without knowing it was our forces, one would think it was a horrible repressive regime's doings.
But the right chose to spin it as you calling our soldiers SS troops or the KGB when you were calling for us to be better than we've been. Disturbingly, you seem to have let their pedal-to-the-metal obfuscation along with the "influential" Mayor Daley's yapping for treats from them sway you into making a--I'm sorry to say--callow and quite subservient mea culpa that didn't have to be given.
In your giving in to their assault, you let those who would hold this administration to task for misdeeds down. You showed them that one can not stand in the face of the administration and its flacks’ crying, screeching and bleating to drown out rightful questioning of policy. What's more, you give the right a scalp, a rallying cry that they cannot be stopped and that anything goes as all they have to do is make a big stink.
I felt quite proud of your courage in saying what needed to be said, but I am now ashamed of your behavior in the end. You were right, but you let those who were wrong win out because they threatened you. Because they were loud. Because people you need were influenced by them.
I understand that politics is politics, but principle is principle and that trumps politics--every day of the week. We could have let Sen. Joseph McCarthy continue to run wild, destroying those who would dare question this country or even have a dissenting opinion. But Joseph Welch stood in the breech and took on the man AND the flawed policy. He did so publicly and won.
You could have been a modern-day Joseph Welch, fighting this country's morally flawed policy of condoning torture. But sir, you backed down instead. You could have been a Welch...instead of a welch-er. And no one will remember the salience of exactly what you said, just that you tearfully ran away from your words--never mind if they were right. They will look wrong in that you apologized for them.
I truly expected better of you. I'm saddened to have been so wrong.
Xxxxx Xxxxxx