A little background:
In the election last year, in our little Southern California neck of the woods (Conejo Valley), two new members were chosen for School Board. One guy who got elected (Mike Dunn) basically ran on a platform of "I'm a firefighter and a father", which as we know in this image and message sensitive electorate, went over pretty well.
What the guy didn't tell anyone, is that he's a full on fundie nut. He's now trying to push for creationism to be taught along side evolution, and his big crusade right now, is to prevent new Health textbooks from being purchased for 9th graders, that uses "partners" in discussing marriage. He wants them to buy the same textbook that they use in Texas (big surprise) that defines marriage specifically as being between a man and a woman.
Now the chances of him being successful in this little crusade aren't very good, but here's the kicker. The guy has only been in office 6 months, and he's come very close to (if not actually) violating the Brown Act twice already. His latest stunt was to email two other board members, and basically threaten them, saying if they didn't vote with him on this issue, they would be jeopardizing their re-election.
Here's a link to the story in the local paper:
http://www1.venturacountystar.com/vcs/co_valley/article/0,1375,VCS_166_3865795,00.htmlSo a few of us in the local Dem club started to email him, since he is supposed to represent ALL local citizens, telling him that we object to his behavior and see no reason to oppose the new textbook. You should see some of the emails he's been sending back. In one of them, he says that the ACLU is a dictatorship, and trying to impose their will on everyone else. (except he said "there will"...lol. I contend that someone who can't make proper use of the language, has no business choosing textbooks).
So here is where I'm asking your help. If you agree that there is nothing wrong with the new textbook, and that threatening fellow board members is wrong, and very un-american, will you send Mr. Dunn a little email and share your thoughts? His email is: mikedunn1999@yahoo.com He's a School Board Member for the Conejo Valley Unified School District.