Edited on Thu Jun-23-05 12:38 AM by ChipperbackDemocrat
Mr. Dean. Senator Durbin. You have no need to apologize.
The regime running our country have sold their soul to facism.
When I look at President Bush, proclaiming "Jesus", I have to overwhelming urge to yell Get thee behind me Satan.
You want an apology, Republican?
Apologize to me, for building KGBAmerica under the guise of the "Patriot" Act.
Apologize to me, for Gulag Guantanamo.
Apologize to me, for bending an entire economic structure toward to elite and the rich and declaring war on the majority of us who got to work for our living and strive to start businesses and do proactive things for our communities.
Apologize to the cops and firemen in my town for the increased mandate of "homeland security" without the funding. Also apologize for the cops and firemen from my town who are on the beat In Baghdad.
Apologize to me, for Diebold. Was my vote counted? I'm beginning to wonder.
Apologize for our good name besmirched across the world.
Apologize for sending my kin and friends off to war on a lie, so Dick Cheney gets rich.
Apologize for turning prosperity into red ink so Grover Norquist can have his personal fantasy of a new McKinley-era for America.
You want an apology, Republican? I'm waiting for yours first.