I really shouldn't be even thinking this way--but purity was never my strong suit. Was reading Franken's book today. Was reading the part about the absolute crap Bush pulled on McCain in South Carolina. This is where he used 'push polls'; i.e., they would call up and ask people things like: if you knew that McCain's black daughter isn't adopted but from an illicit affair with a black, would you tend to vote for him or not?? Al told about the literal band of professional liars that run repuke campaigns and advise the administration on how to lie. But he points out that the Dems have basically no one like this--he said the couple we have "chase their own tails and sniff each other's butts" but are ineffective. So that got me thinking.
Two things as a backdrop here first: 1) Bush's numbers are plummeting and people are getting right sick of the lying bastard (good time to keep attacking with whatever you have); 2) Of course, it is a given that they won't change for this election but will do this crap to our nominee---however, they can't start now because if they did this to 10 people it would become obvious how they operate--therefore, striking now as a pre-emptive blow (I learned that tactic from this administration)would be a smart tactic.
So maybe (I'm not suggesting this you know--cough, cough)the DNC and the boys would like to start doing a little planting and push polling themselves with a question like: If you saw the evidence that Bush's weekly retreats to Camp David or Crawford are for the purpose of being able to booze it up out of the public eye, would your opinion of Pres. Bush change?? I tell you, it would be the final nail in his political coffin. A little suggestion here, a little push there and his numbers would be in the 20's.