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Today's interesting (to me) gov't. bid requests.

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MGKrebs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-23-05 11:34 AM
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Today's interesting (to me) gov't. bid requests.
This is cool!
"...conceived as a second-generation version of the SPRINT vehicle that was flown during the spacewalk on STS87 in 1997. Mini-AERCam is a highly integrated and miniaturized vehicle, combining three cameras, Global Positioning Satellite (GPS), propulsion, power, avionics processing, communications, video compression and illumination subsystems inside an 8-inch sphere."

It's just like the little Jedi lightsaber training sphere from Star Wars.

I just like to say 'fluvial sediment":
"Provide all labor, material and equipment for geophysical service which needs to determine the fluvial sediment thickness, depth to bedrock and seismic velocities of those materials in and about the White River at the Mud Mountain Dam (MMD) fish tr ap and haul facility near Buckley, Washington"

USAID needs a caterer in Iraq:
"The purpose of this pre-solicitation is to announce the upcoming solicitation for catering services for approximately 300 USAID/Iraq personnel for daily breakfast, lunch and dinner. Services will be performed at the USAID/Iraq Residential Compound within the International Zone."

"Furniture maintenance"? OK, but I think Area B of Wright-Patterson AFB is where they keep the aliens bodies. Maybe this is how they refer to "black" projects there.
"...acquisition of systems/modular/freestanding furniture maintenance for the Acquisition Management Complex (AMC) at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and other buildings associated with functional organizations located in the Area B boundary."

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MGKrebs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-23-05 09:04 PM
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1. Kick for the night crew.
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