get out of the deal! Let your realtor, bankers, title company, building inspectors, termite inspectors, moving van folks know why they won't be collecting any fees/income from you. Tell them that since the SCOTUS has decided that private property rights mean nothing in America anymore, you see no point is buying a home and supporting their financial interests.
The only way to fight corporations is with other corporations. Pit them against each other.
Yeah, I know, those big banks make big buck$ with the big developer$, but if enough of the people in those industries see their gravy train derailed by this Fascist ruling, they might make life hell for Congress Critters and light some fires.
If you won't take a big financial hit - STOP THAT PURCHASE and tell EVERYBODY why you are doing it.
Then, get seriously active with local politics and make sure some good guys are getting positions where people's homes might be saved.
The neocons have been getting the ducks in line for decades for the shit that is going down. We have a lot of catching up to do and we best address the fact that the ultra-rich declared war on the rest of us a long time ago.
Dean can't scream loud enough to offend me now! Fuck any DINOs. Tell Biden he blew it on Bankrupcy and he has to work his ass off if he wants us to even be nice to him. Tell Holy Joe to shove it. They fight for the people or we leave them along side the road on their own.
Are you a slave or a citizen?