They also use a clip of Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. I highly doubt Comedy Central approved the use of it! From this blog: Republican National Committee is violating C-Span's copyright by using video footage of the Senate floor in its new web video attacking Democrats.
CSPAN bylaws do not permit: "Any posting or streaming from an Internet site."
Here's what Bruce Collins, C-SPAN’s corporate vice president and general counsel, told Roll Call back in 2004 when a website was using C-SPAN's logo to attack Katherine Harris: The problem, he said, lies in using the C-SPAN logo, which is a legal trademark. “They obviously took it off our screen,” Collins said. “We have a registered exclusive trademark in C-SPAN."
Here's what the GOP Senate Leader, Bill Frist, has to say about copyright abuse: "As leaders, we must educate the public that illegally downloading music or other copyrighted material is stealing."
And what about their use of the Daily Show, American Pie and Wild Thing??? This stinks to high heaven. Let's hope there's some outrage here from the DNC.