Just in case some people forget what an evil, racist bastard Ronald Reagan really was.
http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,399921,00.html"Space doesn't permit a complete list of the Gipper's signals to angry white folks that Republicans prefer to ignore, so two incidents in which Lott was deeply involved will have to suffice. As a young congressman, Lott was among those who urged Reagan to deliver his first major campaign speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence. It was a ringing declaration of his support for "states' rights" — a code word for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southern voters."
For the record, Philadelphia, Mississippi has only one other claim to fame: it is the home town of Jerry Rice. Somehow, I don't think that was why Reagan chose to kick off his campaign in 1980 in Philadelphia. Reagan's message to the south was clear, and atrocious. He sided with the murderers, not with the victims, in this case. THAT'S how Reagan won the south from the Democrats, and that's when the South began to turn Republican.
As someone who grew up in the South, I can tell you that by 1980, the South had lost. People had begun to admit that we were wrong, and had begun to try to move on, and reconstruct the South without segregation. Reagan interrupted that healing process. He empowered those still bitter about having to change, and encouraged racism to remain. He told people that they were right to be be racist. It split the south, and is still splitting the south.
Reagan was an actor who knew how to develop a persona of a kindly old man, but he was evil to his filthy black heart. Just don't anyone forget that.