Email received from Robert Greenwald, director of "Outfoxed," and "Uncovered":Dear activists, colleagues, and friends:
It's been an amazing three weeks or so since we announced the Wal-Mart film, and what a response! Already, over 700 screenings are planned for premiere week in November, including ten different countries, and even one in Wal-Mart's backyard. Now we're moving deep into post-production...started up the night shift, and added a fourth editor to work movie magic on the macs into the wee hours. It's crunch time at Brave New Films.
A friend I respect a lot, George Lakoff, raised some concerns about the movie's subtitle, so I thought the distributors should weigh in. And that's you. Several thousand suggestions later (whoa!), and a very subjective, completely non-scientific process have yielded 3 title finalists, and 4 subtitle finalists. Thankfully, in our democratic version of Warner Brothers, YOU, the distributors, have to make the final decision. The choices are....
WAL-MART (current title, suggested by Sam Walton)
WAL-MARKED (suggested by Jim Crawford)
WAL-MARTED (suggested by Barbara Shadden Crow and Anonymous)
"Consuming America" (suggested by Cordell)
"Discounting America" (suggested by Jen Pfaff)
"The High Cost of Low Price" (current subtitle)
"The Movie" (suggested by C. Cramer, John L, Eric Jaffa, and Woody Hastings)
So go vote! You've got one week to decide. Then forward this email to your friends, encouraging them to vote, and discuss/argue/promote your decision in the discussion on my blog. A week from now, I will announce the winner during a live chat... Wednesday, June 29th at 8pm ET.. one hour after the polls close. Post your questions for the chat on the blog.
Thanks so much for everything you're doing. And I can't wait to see what the name of the film is!
Robert Greenwald
P.S. We just got the cover art/movie poster in. Think it'll cause a stir? You can check it out here: