Forgive me if I am somewhat skeptical of information give out on a PETA FAQ. But here are some responses to the points you brought up. Let me say that I do not disagree with everything PETA stands for, but there is nothing respectable about fanaticism.
“Isn’t animal testing responsible for every major medical advance?”
-This is a worthless question. Of course EVERY medical advance is NOT a direct result of animal testing and experimentation, but a whole lot of them are. Yes, nutrition and sanitation have helped life expectancy greatly in the US. (That statement as nothing to do with medical advances, so I have no idea why it was put under that question. Mabye the webmaster did a poor "cut and paste" job.)
“But weren’t animals used to develop many of the important treatments that we use today, such as the polio vaccine?” information on the polio vaccination program and the research leading up to it at the link above. By PETAs own admission, "monkey cells" were critical in the development of this vaccine. I guess PETA's standards for research on animals varies depending on the outcome of the study.
“Don't scientists have a responsibility to use animals in order to find cures for human diseases?”
Educating people and encouraging them to avoid fat and cholesterol, quit smoking, reduce alcohol and other drug consumption, exercise regularly, and clean up the environment will save more human lives and prevent more human suffering than all the animal tests in the world. Animal tests are primitive..."
-OK, this is my favorite question/response in your entire reply. Animal models in research today are predominatly used to garner an understanding of how proteins, cells, DNA, etc. work. The majority of this research is not directly applicable to humans in its basic form. However, without the understanding which this research provides, advances in understanding human disease are next to impossible. You cannot learn how to fix something if you don't know how it works.
Animal tests are far from primitive, they occur in the most advanced laboratories around the world. If animals were truely useless and "primitive" as scientific subjects, then they would not be used. Money for research is very, very, tight these days. If something doesn't work well, it does not get funded, and goes away. Don't take my word for it, try actually having a conversation with one of the people who do this research.
The statement PETA makes talking about smoking, exercise, etc. is completely true, and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION. Everyone knows that smoking, not exercising, and to much alcohol is bad for you. But if PETA believes that behavioral changes are all that is required to have a health, happy, world, then they should change their focus from protesting research institutions to an anti-smoking, healthy eating, exercising campaign. By their logic this would do more to protect animals from the evils of animal experiemtation better than anything else.
"Fanaticism is overcompensation for doubt."
-Robertson Davies