Does anyone remember when Lee Atwater sent a memo to the RNC raising money and intimating that Tom Foley was gay? Barney Frank's response was to send a letter to Atwater saying that if he wanted to spread gossip about who was gay then Frank would be glad to oblige and Atwater immediately apologized. The damage was done however and Foley was finished (Foley was from the Spokane district, BTW,heh heh)
So hot on the heels of Ed Klein's book about Hillary being a Lesbian we see not only the right wing distancing themselves from the book (while discussing it all the same) I see sly references on two blogs about the President's gayness. Wonkette makes two overt references (gayest President ever and discussing his bald man fetish) and Talking Points talks about Rove saying "The President and his partner..."
All that talk about Ken Mehlman and should he be outed are leaks from gay Washington saying "Cut it the fuck out" and now with the whisper campaign against Hillary starting it seems the genie may be out of the bottle.
I would expect either the White House to change its tone of rhetoric quickly or the Gannon story to reemerge. It seems to be the unspoken deal profferred in these shots across the bow of the President.
BTW, the closet is the whole reason for this. Foley was vulnerable because he lisped (no, really) and there were rumors in Washington of one of the most prominent Democrats being gay. Atwater used that rumor to "smear" Foley. If there is no closet then there is no smear. Foley wasn't gay, he was actually a happily married man who didn't even cheat on his wife. The gay Democrat was David Boren of Oklahoma, now deceased. Closeted gay Democrats have a very tough time rising to power because Liberals are seen as "faggy" anyway. It is why if you want power in Washington and are gay you almost have to be a Republican. Ask David Brock, or Karl Rove, or Ken Mehlman, or Lee Atwater.
Weird isn't it?