The absolute ignorance of Iraqi society,the idea that ordinary Iraqis do not have a sense of patriotism, that they would rather take a homegrown dictator than a Western Imperialist Power that is acting in concert with the one that has already been driven out by the Iraqis in the 30's , all of these tell me that the war is going to grow in ferocity and draw more and more warriors on the other side while we are scrounging for people to fight this illegal war.
At least during the Vietnam War years, the imperialists in Washington went through the motions of seeking opinions from scholars and tried to seek Congressional approvals. Now we have genuine hatemongers who want to use this war to perpetuate themselves in power in this country. Because they may very well have caused all the terror scare themselves, it stands to reason that anyone who even thinks about fighting in Iraq on our side ask himself what and who they are fighting for. It is certainly not the country or its interests.