I know it's a little out of date (two months old) but I just discoverd it today
Sorry to toot my own horn like that -- but it's just did my heart good.
Apparently they don't understand the difference at Freeperland between their "humor" and laughing at DU and the MSM having a kind of monopoly of the main podia of debate and you have no chance to defend yourself on any sort of level playing field.
(That's getting so nuanced -- it's almost Parisian, you see)
Here's the link:
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/1390630/postsHere's the article:
Let us all now take a moment to shed a tear for the poor DUmmies. They feel ABUSED by the Right as you can see in this DUmmie THREAD titled, “DU as target of gross misuse by the right.” Apparently the residents of my DUmmie Ant Farm don’t like being looked at and commented upon. Even worse for them than to be angrily criticized is for them to be LAUGHED at as happens in the DUmmie FUnnies on a daily basis. And guess what, DUmmies, all it takes is for Mary Matalin to give the thumbs up to the DUmmie FUnnies book (with CD-ROM insert for the related comix stories) and an MUCH BIGGER audience will be laughing at you. The DUmmie crybabying about being abused is in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, peering even more intently into his Ant Farm, is in the
DU as target of gross misuse by the right
At least twice now, the Democratic Underground has been the victim of gross misuse by the right. This may have been a topic before and I missed it, but it seems that one of the top people at DU should write a proposed column for the NY Times oped page, now expanded, and get hundreds of not thousands of DUers to sign it, and then send it in for publication.
One point that should clearly be made is that this is an OPEN forum, where anyone can express a view -- including quite a few rightwingers and freepers. It may be that the notion of the tsunami as a CIA conspiracy or of the pope as a Nazi are not the most refined of views, but they are expressed in many venues, such as callers into WBAI, and here at least they have a chance to be vetted and rationally debated and countered with facts.
Taking such comments out of context stifles the kind of free discussion forum that this is, and represents one of the many misuses of the internet as a forum in recent years. The notion of the internet as some kind of "authority", as cited by Sorensen and Baraka is part of the mythmaking that conservatives are here trying to exploit. There is also the issue that there are rightwing sites that utter the most unbelievable improbabilities AS PART OF THEIR OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS, like quoting Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Lenin and Che Guevara in the same breath, and these sites are considered respectable and never held up for ridicule -- because progressives don't have the kind of partisan access to the mainstream media to exploit to this end.