Religion shouldn't serve politics
As an American, I prefer the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. As a Christian, I prefer the Bible in my home. As a liberal, I prefer not to see Christianity used as a stepping stone for higher office or as a tool in order to pander to the religious right. This is an outright disgrace and why I worry for the future of a country I have served and love. Enjoying the freedom of religion and the willingness to express it whether publicly or privately is fine. Using it in order to make law in a country with so many diverse religions is disturbing. Those who worship differently or don't even believe in God shouldn't have to feel as if they are governed by Christianity.
Historical fact states that the founding fathers wisely saw that the separation of church and state was essential to this country. They knew that if the line should even dared be crossed that we would perilously come close to a government-sponsored religion. This is what they escaped from. Historical facts also show that men like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were deists. They believed that the belief in God comes only in the way of rational thinking and not through religion or even the Bible. Thomas Jefferson said, "I do not find in Orthodox Christianity one redeeming feature." Benjamin Franklin said, "Lighthouses are more useful than churches." There are many other quotes by those men as well as George Washington, Thomas Paine and John Adams. A five-minute Google search is all it takes.