the truth is the opposite of everything they say...
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Fri Jun-24-05 12:28 PM
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the truth is the opposite of everything they say... |
"last throes" = highest levels of violence
"I think about Iraq every day" = I haven't had a real thought in over 4 years
"I want to reach out to the other side of the aisle" = cheney you
"we have an excellent idea where Bin Laden is"... actually that one might be true (what's the Crawford ranches address again?)
Fridays Child
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Fri Jun-24-05 12:35 PM
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1. Re-stating everything they say in the exact opposite terms... |
...has always been the key to understanding what they really mean.
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Fri Jun-24-05 12:47 PM
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And that is literally Satanic.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:34 AM
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