Rule 6. Investigations
No investigation shall be initiated by the Committee unless at least five members of the Committee have specifically requested the Chairman or the Vice Chairman to authorize such an investigation. Authorized investigations may be conducted by members of the Committee and/or designated Committee staff members.
I'm pretty sure Kerry has a couple signed already. The senate Intel Committee had two meetings scheduled for two days. We'll soon know. It couldn't hurt to pressure the Dems and the Repubs on the committee.
REPUBLICANS Pat Roberts, Kansas Chairman Orrin G. Hatch, Utah Mike Dewine, Ohio Christopher S. Bond, Missouri Trent Lott, Mississippi Olympia J. Snowe, Maine Chuck Hagel, Nebraska Saxby Chambliss, Georgia
DEMOCRATS John D. Rockefeller IV West Virginia, Vice Chairman Carl Levin, Michigan Dianne Feinstein, California Ron Wyden, Oregon Evan Bayh, Indiana Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland Jon S. Corzine, New Jersey
Ex Officio Members Bill Frist, Tennessee Harry Reid, Nevada John Warner, Virginia