''Why I Am Marching
The virtual march is a perfect opportunity for the lazy man to do something good without having to expend any effort. This thing was made for me.''
seriously, please check this out, as well as the names on the list of participants.....note who's on it, Clarkies
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Senator John McCain, (R-AZ)
John H. Adams - President, NRDC
Laurie David - Founder
Walter Cronkite
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA)
Denis Hayes - Organizer, the first Earth Day
Greg Nickels - Mayor of Seattle
Al Gore - Former Vice President (ACTUAL PRESIDENT)
Kevin Knobloch - President, Union of Concerned Scientists
Reverend William Sinkford - President, Unitarian Universalist Association
Eliot Spitzer - New York Attorney General
Dennis Rivera - President of 1199SEIU New York's Health & Human Service Union
Gavin Newsom - Mayor of San Francisco
Timothy Wirth - President, United Nations Foundation
Pete McCloskey, (R-CA) - Former Member of Congress 1967-1983
Robert "Birdlegs" Caughlan - Former President, Surfrider Foundation
Senator Joseph Lieberman, (D-CT) {'douchebag for compromise'}
R. James Woolsey - former Dir., CIA
Richard Blumenthal - CT Attorney General
Bill Lockyer - CA Attorney General
Peg Lautenschlager - Attorney General of Wisconsin
Bill McKibben - Author
Senator Maria Cantwell, (D-WA)
Rabbi David Saperstein - Dir., Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
General Wesley Clark
Andy Stern - President, SEIU
Richard Klausner - Exec Dir., Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Father Paul Mayer - Co-Founder, Climate Crisis Coalition
Ross Gelbspan - Author, Pulitzer Prize Winner
Gus Speth - Dean, Yale School Forestry & Environmental Studies
Leonardo DiCaprio - Actor, Environmental Activist
Martha Marks - Pres., REP America
Susan Joy Hassol - Independent Scholar
Michael Oppenheimer - Professor of Geosciences, Princeton
Larry David