Thought you would be interested in this letter from New Jersey Members of Congress to President Bush calling on him to apologize for Karl Rove's offensive remarks exploiting the terrorist attacks of September 11th. --Brendan Daly
For Immediate Release
June 24, 2005
Contact: Matthew Miller (Menendez), 202-226-3210
New Jersey Members of Congress Call on Bush to Apologize for Administration's Exploiting 9/11
for Partisan Purposes
Menendez Says Smokescreen Can't Hide Failure to Secure Iraq, Need for President to Outline Strategy for Success
Washington, DC - New Jersey Members of Congress today called on President Bush to personally apologize for his administration's exploiting the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 for partisan purposes, noting that instead of refuting offensive remarks make Wednesday by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, the White House has actually repeated and reiterated them.
In a letter to President Bush signed by every Democratic Member of the House from New Jersey, U.S. Representatives Robert Menendez, Donald Payne, Robert Andrews, Frank Pallone, Steve Rothman, William Pascrell and Rush Holt wrote that, "By turning a national tragedy into a political football, your administration has once again created partisan controversy when the American people were looking for national unity."
"We represent millions of people whose lives were ripped apart by terrorism on September 11, 2001," the Members wrote. "When al Qaeda brought its hatred to our doorsteps, each of us supported hunting down the terrorists and those who harbored them in every corner of the globe."
Since Rove made his remarks on Wednesday, White House officials have rushed to his defense. White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said on Thursday that Rove was "was simply pointing out the different philosophies and different approaches when it comes to winning the war on terrorism."
"Initially, we hoped that Mr. Rove would quickly apologize for his remarks," the New Jersey Congressmen wrote. "But now that official after official from your White House has rushed to the cameras to defend them, it is incumbent upon you to personally apologize for politicizing this tragedy. Republican, Democrat, or Independent, the families we represent deserve better leadership than your White House has shown in the past two days."
Additionally, Menendez called on the president to lay out a plan for success in Iraq when he addresses the country next Tuesday.
"As the president prepares to address the nation about the war in Iraq, it is unfortunate that he continues to divide the country with petty partisan attacks instead of presenting a plan for success that all Americans could embrace," Menendez said. "These attacks are a smokescreen, but they can't hide the president's failure to secure Iraq and the desperate need for a new strategy for success."
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Following is the full text of the letter sent to President Bush:
June 24, 2005
The Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
As you are aware, on Wednesday your Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove attacked Democrats' response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, saying that Democrats called for "moderation and restraint" while Republicans "saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war."
We represent millions of people whose lives were ripped apart by terrorism on September 11, 2001. Many of the sons and daughters of New Jersey never came home that day, and in the wake of those devastating attacks, we were proud to stand with you not as Republicans or Democrats but as Americans. Each one of us supported a military response just three days after the attacks. When al Qaeda brought its hatred to our doorsteps, each of us supported hunting down the terrorists and those who harbored them in every corner of the globe.
Every public servant, Democrat or Republican, is committed to bringing those who kill innocent Americans to justice. For a senior White House official to suggest otherwise is perverse, insulting, and blatantly self-serving. By turning a national tragedy into a political football, your Administration has once again created partisan controversy when the American people were looking for national unity.
Unfortunately, far from apologizing for Mr. Rove's remarks, your White House has repeated and reiterated them, claiming that Mr. Rove "was simply pointing out the different philosophies and different approaches when it comes to winning the war on terrorism." We are forced to conclude that his statement was neither an unfortunate slip of the tongue nor a mere expression of personal opinion, but the endorsed position of you and your Administration.
We hope you will reconsider. On September 21, 2001, you stood before Congress and thanked Republicans and Democrats for our joint response to the terrorist attacks. "And ladies and gentlemen of the Congress, I thank you, their representatives, for what you have already done, and for what we will do together," you said then. The pride we felt as Americans on that day only heightens our sadness over your Administration's newfound position.
Initially, we hoped that Mr. Rove would quickly apologize for his remarks. But now that official after official from your White House has rushed to the cameras to defend them, it is incumbent upon you to personally apologize for politicizing this tragedy. Republican, Democrat, or Independent, the families we represent deserve better leadership than your White House has shown in the past two days.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Robert Menendez Robert Andrews
Member of Congress Member of Congress
_____________________________ _____________________________
Donald Payne Steven Rothman
Member of Congress Member of Congress
_____________________________ _____________________________
Frank Pallone Rush Holt
Member of Congress Member of Congress
William Pascrell
Member of Congress
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