... as a favor to DeGaulle and the colonialists.
LIST Nuclear Crisis #5 in Year: 1954
Name of Crisis: VIETNAM I (Dien Bien Phu)
Threatened use of nuclear weapons by: USA
Target: Vietnam; later, China and USSR
Crisis starts: 8 March 1954, 3,000 French surrounded at Dien Bien Phu
Crisis ends: 19 June 1954
Duration: 3 months
Threat of nuclear attack: Implied; U.S. nuclear-armed navy carrier force near Vietnam to launch Operation VULTURE, using atomic bombs against Viet Minh forces. The Strategic Air Command BASIC PLAN will use 735 bombers to attack the USSR and China using 1750 atomic bombs.
At issue in Crisis: "A-Day", the last day on which the USA could launch a nuclear attack on USSR without fear of a response, is the probably the real issue, with the threatened fall of the Vietnam "domino" only a pretext.
BACKGROUND: In WW-II the Japanese easily captured the French colony of Vietnam, and the only opposition was from the Communist Viet Minh under Ho Chi Minh. In 1945 Japanese surrendered Vietnam to the British, and the French resumed control, but the Viet Minh opposed the return of their run-away colonial masters. France waged a long, failing war against Viet Minh guerrillas. In January 1954 French established a key base at Dien Bien Phu, deep in Vietnam, but the Viet Minh "do the impossible" and bring in heavy artillery.
CRISIS EVENTS: 1954, March: Dien Bien Phu under siege, heavy Viet Minh shelling.
-8 March: French General Ely in Washington asks for U.S. help.
-25 March: U.S. Army G3 Section proposes use of atomic weapons in Vietnam.
-7 April: Eisenhower's "Domino Theory": If Vietnam is lost, all Asia follows.
-10 April: President Eisenhower sends Secretary of State Dulles and Admiral Radford to Europe to push Operation VULTURE, which Prime Minister Churchill opposes (and disagrees with the Domino Theory).
-23 April: French Foreign Minister Bidault refuses Dulles' offer of 2 atomic bombs
-27 April: Dulles falsely hints to French that Eden of UK supports Operation VULTURE
-30 April: Eisenhower to Cutler of NSC, "We might give the French atomic bombs."
-8 May: Viet Minh capture Dien Bien Phu.
-25 May: NSC and Admiral Radford advise atomic bombing China if Chinese troops support the Viet Minh drive on Hanoi.
-19 June: Eisenhower, "atomic bombing China means atomic bombing the USSR What would the USA do with destruction extending from the Elbe to Vladivostok?". China does not intervene and the Crisis ends.
OUTCOME: The USA first became involved in Vietnam.
http://vicpeace.ca/centre/readings/nukeuse.htm#crisis4Later on, when he finally was "real" preznit, Nixon told his people to tell the North Vietnamese that he was "crazy" and would use the bomb. "Funny" thing was the Soviets were on heightened alert, ready to nuke us at the same time. That would've been bad. Real bad.