What if "law and order" as we have it now is made,run and controlled totally by bullies?
When bullies write bad laws for us to obey we have a duty to dispobey it for the sake of our consience .human rights our own dignity...When law itself becomes a bully, it becomes lawless inhumane and corrupt twords people who are oppressed by bullies.Lawlessness cloaked in the flag religion and the constitution. It becomes EVIL.
For law and order to be worth respecting it has to be NON BULLY law and order,one based in a social contract, one based in fairness and human rights and negotiation where the people have a voice and the powerful's voices are muted so all can be heard..
Right now we got cops TAZERING little kids. Cops TAZERING handcuffed people. This is nothing but sadism, BRUTALITY and bullying done under the nation of law and order.Tazers are torture devices(the S/M community has used them a long time as"violet wands").We the people lost our vote outr voice,now we have Bush in the WH a bully who blew up frogs as a kid for jollies and says god told him, to start a war..when the DSM tells a very different tale.. he is a SOCIOPATH..Which means bush has no sense of shame,no guilt, remorse or consience,no empathy or love to feel,Busgh is devoid of all the emotional things in people that leads most human beings to have ethical and moral discernment and the ability to negotiate a social contract and co-exist in a free society.
When bullies are allowed to become the authorities over us, and bullies write the laws,hire the cops, control the money/resources of a nation, and when bullies run the country into the ground you HAVE to STOP standing by when abuses happen, you must break the laws that protect the unlawful ,whistle blow, refuse,resist create dilemmas and even punch the bastards in the nose!! This resistance to tyrants is in our RIGHTS as citizens to do for the sake of outr own freedom.The founders knew what a tyrant is and they trusted the people to protect thier constitution..because they knew bullies do not stand by anyone elses freedom. Bullies seek to secure thier own freedom in opression of others. A bullies Freedoms are things like unrestrained stealing without ever paying back the robbed..To abuse others without facing a victims retaliation or voice tellinfg what happened, and as bully seeks to manipulate others..without being called on thier game and called out as a liar.
A bully deserves NO PITY.No tolerance,no excuses.No haven,no trust,no power.
Obeyance to the law at some point when dealing with tyrants who write laws becomes ENABLING abuses.
A New Political Ideology
The more I think, read and write about politics, the more I realize that I do not fit into any of the ideologies that we see today. I am inclined to believe that there are others out there who feel the same. America has been on the path to self destruction for many years. Taxes are higher than they have ever been, our prisons are filled to capacity, violence is an everyday occurrence in many peoples lives, poverty is on the rise, the government is taking more and more of our money, our environment is being destroyed, and worst of all, most Americans think “all is well”. There is a solution but it does not lie within ideologies of the past or the present. It does not lie within the Republican and Democrat parties. The solution is hidden within the thinkers of America, those who are capable of thinking beyond the norm and finding logical solutions based on the needs and opinions of both Liberals and Conservatives and everywhere in between.
A new ideology for the next generation of Americans is needed. An ideology based on ethics which is the foundation of our government.
Explanation of…
We can examine and explain every one of the problems that we see in America today and boil them down to one cause. Corrupt, immoral, deceitful politicians. Our government has been taken away from ‘the people’ by these leaders and handed over to corporations and special interest groups. Government to them is a game where the richest, most powerful wins. They will do whatever it takes to win, even if it means death. Backroom meetings, secret deals, handshakes in the shadows, and conspiracies are now common place in our government.
The social conditions that we see today came about because of the desires of our leaders to increase their wealth and power. They have segregated Americans by every imaginable difference inciting hatred and resentment among every single group. They do this because they know that a divided people are a weak people. Fortunately, they have not yet been able to take from the people, our ability to completely remove them from their positions of power.
Society has become nothing more than a group of consumers as designed by the government. The average American is more concerned with paying the bills at the end of the month than educating themselves in political affairs. This puts them in the position of not having the time nor desire to become politically aware. It also prevents them from having enough money to compete with big business in the political realm.
Morality, honesty, and integrity are virtues passed on to society by leaders whether they are our parents, teachers, or government officials. It is important that future generations learn these virtues and pass them on. How can our children learn these virtues when the leader of our country commits such despicable acts as having sex in the Oval Office then lying to the American people with a completely straight face?
"The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with the destruction of the truth." William J. Clinton 10/15/95 speach given at the University of Connecticut.
We have started down that road. As written in President Woodrow Wilson’s “New Freedom” which he campaigned on in 1912, "There is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so pervasive that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
Politics today is controlled by corporations and special interest groups through the leaders who we the people continue to elect. These organizations donate huge sums of money to politicians and political parties, mostly through less than legal means, expecting those politicians to return the favor. It is no coincidence that the politician who spends the most money on the campaign usually wins. The favor is returned in the form of laws and ‘bending of the rules’ to help organizations make more money and achieve their desired goals by continuing to exploit the human and natural resources of this country. This is a vicious circle where the powerful protect each other. As long as the people stay uninformed, the circle cannot be broken. Wars are fought today because they make money for the rich and powerful. Our children die for this reason. Of course the government and the media tell us that we are defending democracy. Such a noble cause.
Senator George Malone of Nevada, stated before Congress in 1957, "I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over past forty-nine years, they would move on Washington. It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States".
The government uses our economic system to control Americans and keep them down, making them more reliant on the government. When the country is in a recession, it is the lower and middle classes who suffer. You will see the upper class lose money but they know that it will all come back to them in time. In the meantime, their lifestyle does not change and they go about their business the same as they always have while low and middle class Americans worry about how they will feed their families.
Evaluation of…
In Evaluation of the current conditions of our country, we can assume that things are good when the government represents the best interests of the American people above everything else. When the liberties we are guaranteed by the Constitution are protected. When we are free to live our lives as we please as long as we do not harm others. When the government stays out of our lives as much as possible. When the government protects us from outside harm and secures our comfort without infringing on our rights. When the environment is protected rather than the bank accounts of corporations. When we have people with integrity, morals and honesty as our representatives.
Orientation of…
People are pictured under this ideology as being rational and caring individuals who are capable of making decisions that affect society based on logic and reason rather than emotion. Their belief is that an honest politician with opinions differing from theirs is much better than a corrupt politician who pretends to share their opinions. Their principal concern is that the people representing them in government are honest and will always be looking after the best interest of the people they represent. They are compassionate to all people regardless of race, sex, religion, age, etc. and do what they can to help others who are less fortunate without being forced by the government. They expect the government to use the money they collect through taxes wisely and without waste. They care about the environment and our natural resources and will keep the government in check when it comes to environmental policies. They have respect for other countries and the people of those countries and will not try to impose their ideals on them. They will ensure that the judicial system makes decisions based on the law rather than personal opinion or other outside influence.
Political Program of…
The political program is centered on removing corrupt politicians from office and replacing them with people who can be trusted. This can be done by educating Americans in politics, finding those who are capable of becoming leaders, and electing them into office. These leaders will vow to represent the interests of the American people and will understand that if they sway from that vow, they will at the very least be removed from office. It will then be the responsibility of every American who values a government ‘by the people’ to keep a constant eye on the representatives and actively participate by educating themselves in politics.
It is the responsibility of all Americans to recognize the truth and act upon it. I believe that once the American people see someone they can trust on the ballot, they will turn out in droves to vote.
The triadic model below shows the agent of this new ideology as being the individual. The ultimate goal of the agent is government by the people and the obstacle to overcome to reach the goal is corrupt government officials.
Contemporary Liberalism and Conservatism can not bring America out of the state that it is in simply because our leaders do not represent the interest of the citizens. In order to gain the wealth and power that they desire, they must represent the interest of corporate America first and foremost, at the expense of individual liberties. The American people have been deceived and led to believe that their safety is at risk so our leadership can create more controls as our liberties erode.
The current state of America, which has been under the control of the more conservative Republicans and the more liberal Democrats for the past 125 years shows us that the modern ideologies of Liberalism and Conservatism do not work. Both parties have had the opportunity to make our country great and both have failed miserably. The original concepts of Liberalism and Conservatism have been contorted into something that has the sole purpose of controlling and manipulating citizens with the ultimate goal of acquiring money and power. They have presented these new concepts to the American people as the only viable ideologies. Americans being the complacent, self-interested people that they are accept this without question and follow the leaders like sheep following the shepherd. According to Niccolò Machiavelli, a prominent official in the republic of Florence in 1512, “the complacent and self-interested citizen is the greatest enemy of a free government.”
Since the days of Thomas Hobbs, author of Leviathan in 1651 (the first major work that defined Liberalism), Liberalism has been most simply defined as the protection of individual liberties and that individuals possess the ability to think for themselves and make decisions based on reason. It is apparent that Hobbs and other early liberal political philosophers also agreed that a social contract*** must be entered into by every citizen in order to create a government to protect these liberties. They seem to agree that when a government ceases to protect the liberties of the individual, then the government must be replaced.
Thomas Payne says it best in a pamphlet published in February 1776 entitled Common Sense. ”Government, even the best government, is a ‘necessary evil’. It is evil because it coerces us and controls our lives; but it is necessary because most of us, fallen creatures that we are, cannot be trusted to respect the natural rights of others. To protect our natural rights, then, we create government. If the government does its job, it deserves our obedience. But if it fails to protect our natural rights–if it turns against us and violates our rights—the government ceases to be a necessary evil and becomes an intolerable one. When this happens, the people have every right to overthrow their government and replace it with one that will respect their rights.”
This is one area where modern day Liberalism falls short of the original ideology. The average citizen, not necessarily the politically informed, identifying themselves as ‘liberal’ seem to believe in individual liberties but do not seem to mind when the government takes their liberties away. This is due to the fine job the government has done at reducing most Americans to mere consumers rather than active citizens who truly care about the security of their liberties. A true Liberal of the classical sense would see the government, which creates and enforces laws that take away our liberties, as the obstacle that must be overcome in order to reach the goal of living as one chooses. A true Liberal would not put up with what our government is doing. They would move to replace those in charge, those who violate the rights of Americans as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “We, the people, are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts. Not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the constitution.”
"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire." - Robert Heinlein