I just want to ask that fucker, what's wrong with understanding our enemies?
Ask any military historian, any military member from top general to lowly airman/private/sailor/marine. THE single most important part of the "battle" is understanding your enemy. What makes your enemy behave the way he or she does? You simply cannot win a war without this understanding.
Karl, you may win a battle here and there by throwing as much military might as possible at the enemy, but you'll never win the war. Karl, you piece of chickenhawk shit, here's something you'll never understand because you were too afraid to serve the country you've taken such care in destroying; America has two options, take your pick:
- Retreat in shame - It's already a shame the pain we've caused all over the world as a result of your corrupt stewardship, but a complete withdrawl (retreat) would doom your party for ages...rightfully so.
- Study and understand our enemies - This is the only option that will work for all parties involved. See, you're too fucking chickenshit to choose this path. You're too chickenshit, and you simply don't care about humanity. Want a comparison to Hitler? You're him. You care about as much for humanity as Hitler did. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, you prick!
Karl, if you read
Winning Modern Wars: Iraq, Terrorism, and the American Empire by Wesley Clark, you
might begin to get a clue, but you won't read it because you don't actually care about winning the war. It serves as a perfect distraction. You can rape the entire fucking country at will, and no one seems to call you on your bullshit because all you have to do is criticize their patriotism and your ignorant GOP minions will parrot that bullshit right behind you. It's sick, Karl, and you're sick too.
Karl, you are a Nazi, and you are my enemy. I will study you, learn to understand you, then destroy you. We all will, because we're true Americans.
To any freepers who may be reading, go fuck yourselves. You're beyond hope, you're done, you mean less to me than the corn in my turds.