According to most Iraqis, Saddam is never seen by them to be asked direct questions. But there was little doubt expressed about how their president did. Their reaction is even stronger on what they think of the White House rejection of Saddam's challenge to President bush for a televised debate.
"I think he (bush) is a coward. That's all," says Quasem Aziz Habib, a university student.
President bush has said time has run out, that the only thing Saddam can do to prevent war is to disarm immediately. Anything short of that, the president says, is a game. said no ties to 911, no ties to al Qaeda, no WMD, and the al Samoud missiles don't exceed UN limits.
What was his "one notable lie"?
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer dismissed the Saddam interview as "60 minutes of lies, deceptions and propaganda."
Fleischer said the interview included one notable lie by Saddam -- that Iraq's Al Samoud 2 missiles don't exceed U.N. limits. Fleischer said that U.N. weapons inspectors have declared the weapon's range to be greater than the allowed 90 miles.
Blix told diplomats in January that, of 40 tests, the al-Samoud 2 exceeded the allowable limit (93 miles/150km) 13 times. how much did these 13 missiles exceed the 93 mile/150km limit?
By "as much as 20 miles". the UN decided to destroy all of Iraq's al Samoud missiles. They were literally in the middle of doing so, when BUSH kicked the UN weapons teams out and attacked Iraq. PUNK'D ya, America.