Networks not showing the great liar's speech?
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Sun Jun-26-05 08:53 PM
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Networks not showing the great liar's speech? |
I just checked the schedules of ABC,NBC,CBS,and Fox and they do not have it scheduled for Tuesday night. Let's hope it stay that way.
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Sun Jun-26-05 09:03 PM
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1. No, I think they should carry it this time so that people can see the liar |
sweating it out. He is going to come unraveled and what better prime time show can you have beside that? The only thing that could have topped the Army-McCarthy hearings would be this.
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Sun Jun-26-05 09:20 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
5. I think you're right. I think he'll be sweating worse than Nixon. |
Though you never know. It may not matter if he does; remember his floundering and flailing during the debates? That didn't end up mattering.
And they said Reagan had a Teflone coating...
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Sun Jun-26-05 09:03 PM
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2. Actually...I am looking forward to him... |
fucking up and blowing a gasket. LOL...should be fun.
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Sun Jun-26-05 09:05 PM
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3. I bet his speech will be broadcast, and that's okay by me. |
I think the chimp is turning into his own worst enemy.
The more he trumpets the US's alleged success in Iraq, the more Americans will realize that he is full of shit.
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Sun Jun-26-05 09:18 PM
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4. I REFUSE to watch it no matter who airs it. |
Edited on Sun Jun-26-05 09:18 PM by forintegrity
I ABSOLUTELY cannot stand listening to lies and deceit anymore! I get too damn mad at all the BS. He's so full of it and himself.
I'll pick up the important pieces (if there are any) on AirAmerica or on the internet afterwards.
Wonder what would happen if we all refused to tune in?
Maybe we should boycott?
Think about it.
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Sun Jun-26-05 09:24 PM
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6. maybe people will finally see the wizard |
behind the curtain. this will be scripted so we will just hear the same old lame lies. perhaps people are tired of those lies now.
ellen fl
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Sun Jun-26-05 09:25 PM
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7. They all bailed on his last "press conference". |
Put the freak on pay-per-view.
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Sun Jun-26-05 09:36 PM
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If they pre-empt "House" for that ratface, I'm gonna be REALLY annoyed.
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Sun Jun-26-05 10:13 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
11. I've been watching those eggs for about 5 minutes now |
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Sun Jun-26-05 10:50 PM
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13. Some of those eggs look pre-scrambled. n/t |
Oversea Visitor
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Sun Jun-26-05 09:53 PM
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Or else it be re edited to perfection to drive their point . x(
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Sun Jun-26-05 10:01 PM
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10. As the DUer DisassemblingHisLies 's sig line says |
For his speech Tuesday night, the shameless coward will again be hiding behind the troops - this time at Fort Bragg.
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Sun Jun-26-05 10:45 PM
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12. his numbers drop after every live appearance. let's see it! nt |
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Sun Jun-26-05 10:51 PM
Response to Reply #12 |
14. Only Fools will rush in to enlist after the speech. Not very much to fill |
the need. Soon the Bush Youth from the Universities and Colleges will rush to enlist into the Armed Forces. Them Red Shirt Pubs(not the sports kine either) will arrive in droves to "saddle up ...Move out"
I will not hold my breath
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