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In the military and mad at Rove? Go to !

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scottxyz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-26-05 10:04 PM
Original message
In the military and mad at Rove? Go to !

From the mailbag:

Karl, it’s time you shut up and listened. My father was a decorated veteran of FOUR WARS – he fought fascism in Spain, he fought for Israeli independence, and he fought in World War II and Korea with HIGHEST distinction. His chest could have been full of his medals, but he kept them in a drawer out of modesty. My son is CURRENTLY in the Navy, a Democrat fighting Bush’s understaffed and underhanded mother-of-all-messes. “Patriotism is not a showy burst of emotion, but the slow and steady dedication of a lifetime.” -- remember THAT next time you’re feeling like making a stupid remark.

= = =

What the hell have you done in service of this country? I'm a proud liberal and a vet (US Army 91-95). Back when I first took that oath to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, I never understood what a real domestic enemy to this country could be. Thank you for showing me.

You could never understand what it means to serve this country, or to shed blood for it.

Really trying to keep this clean, but basically sir. Go f*** yourself.

= = =

I am a Vietnam Veteran who sevrved in the US Army 4th Infantry Division Company B 3/12 in 1968-1969. I was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds recieved in combat in March of 1969 and I also hold the Combat Infantry Badge.

I am also a Liberal and a Democrat and have been all my adult life. I would like to know who Karl Rove thinks he is questioning my patriotism. He is a chickenhawk with a yellow streak down his back a mile wide who ran as far as he could from military service when called on to serve and he questions other people's patriotism. The only thing that would satisfy me is for Bush to fire him immediatley. Since Bush is another chickenhawk I suppose that that is too much to ask.

= = =

I served in the US Navy on active duty from '67 to '71, four years, 8 months, and three days but I was never in a combat zone. I have voted democratic about 80% of the time but I never voted for Bush. I echo the comments already published on this blog. I am concerned that our military traditions are being destroyed by destruction of the chain of command, especially in the US Army, by injection of civilian
contractors into the chain of command, who are not covered by the Code of Military
Justice. The only way Bush, Rove, et. al. can be held accountable for what they have done to this country is at the ballot box. So far, very few Republicans have repudiated Rove's recent comments. These people are not worthy of our votes. Taking back the House and Senate should be the first priority of all Americans, regardless of party. The lesson of Iraq is one we learned as children -- lies get you into trouble. By the way, just because I am a Christian, doesn't mean that I have to check my mind at the door.

= = =

I am a Viet Nam combat vet and was a moderate republican for 30+ years. The outrage of "shock and awe" converted me to a now registered democrat. The insults of Rove and the neocons are infuriating but the actual Bush/Cheney lies are much worse--in that these lies supported the illegal invasion of a soverign country and the resulting deaths and maimings of thousands. Our country is going bankrupt on tax cuts for billionaires and money borrowed from China.

= = =

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scottxyz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-26-05 10:07 PM
Response to Original message
1. A Democrat in the military gives Rove a smackdown
Listen, I'm pissed as hell at Rove. I am a democrat and have been forever. (I'm 54) ... my two kids who just happen to be in the US Army serving are also democrats. My son and daughter both joined as soon as they possibly could after 9/11.

So far they are both safe from harm (no thanks to Rove...).

My son and daughter both emailed me last night wanting to know just who in the hell the Rove guy is. They both want to plaster his face everywhere around the bases they are stationed. It seems that Rove didn't know that a good percentage of enlisted folk were Democrats. They like to say around the bases that republicans don't volunteer.

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teach1st Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-26-05 10:27 PM
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2. Thanks for posting and a kick!
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