Maybe this article has posted here on DU at some time or another, but I'm convinced the PNAC/neo-cons have studied the tactics of Mussolini and Hitler. We should start calling them neo-fascists. Rove's divisive and demonizing statements the other day prove it. Liberals/dems are definitely being villified and scapegoated. I don't think they are at a point they can start rounding us up yet, but let them work out some of the bugs in the Patriot Act. :smile:
There's also the
14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism, but I thought this was also good list since it was compiled when nobody was comparing this administration to Hitler's. The whole article is worth the short read.<snip>
Fascism and Nazism as ideologies involve, to varying degrees, some of the following hallmarks:
*** Nationalism and super-patriotism with a sense of historic mission.
*** Aggressive militarism even to the extent of glorifying war as good for the national or individual spirit.
*** Use of violence or threats of violence to impose views on others (fascism and Nazism both employed street violence and state violence at different moments in their development).
*** Authoritarian reliance on a leader or elite not constitutionally responsible to an electorate.
*** Cult of personality around a charismatic leader.
*** Reaction against the values of Modernism, usually with emotional attacks against both liberalism and communism.
*** Exhortations for the homogeneous masses of common folk (Volkish in German, Populist in the U.S.) to join voluntarily in a heroic mission_often metaphysical and romanticized in character.
*** Dehumanization and scapegoating of the enemy_seeing the enemy as an inferior or subhuman force, perhaps involved in a conspiracy that justifies eradicating them.
*** The self image of being a superior form of social organization beyond socialism, capitalism and democracy.
*** Elements of national socialist ideological roots, for example, ostensible support for the industrial working class or farmers; but ultimately, the forging of an alliance with an elite sector of society.
*** Abandonment of any consistent ideology in a drive for state power.