1. Since George W. Bush is evil, and thought by some to be far more dangerous than Saddam Hussein, could you please list the instances you are aware of where George W. Bush has ordered the murder, torture and rape of American citizens, like yourself, who oppose his presidency.
I wish I could. But with due process thrown out the window and with the secrecy surrounding this adminstration I can't be sure.
2. Could you list any sites of mass graves of American citizens ordered to be killed by the Bush administration?
See #1.
3. Further, could you please list the instances you are aware of when George W. Bush has ordered the murder of members of his own family.
None. He reserves for them a compassion he doesn't extend to other American familes.
4. Do you feel that Saddam Hussein possessed no weapons he was specifically forbidden to have by the UN; for example, the Scud missiles he fired into Kuwait during the first two weeks of the war?
I'm keeping an open mind. Can you show me proof that he had any? As for the "scuds" fired at Kuwait. Please try to keep up. That notion has been retracted:
http://www.fair.org/activism/scuds.html5. How do you think Saddam was able to fire weapons that he didn't have?
Because, a lie planted in the minds of those who want to beleive is as good as reality for some.
6. Are inspectors inspectors, or are inspectors detectives?
7. How many more months would you have given Saddam Hussein to comply with the 17 UN resolutions, passed over 12 years?
By all verifiable accounts (which of course excludes Bush, Powell, Rumsfeld, et al), he was in near compliance, and those areas where he wasn't complying did not justify an attack.
8. If you owned an apartment building, for how many months would you allow a tenant to defy you to kick him out for not paying the rent he owes?
If you did not own an apartment building, but saw the potential to occupy it and start collecting rent, would you take it over at gun point?
9. If the UN, and the previous administration, were convinced Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and used that as a basis for their actions against Iraq, how do those reasons evaporate when applied by the Bush administration?
If those reasons were dismissed then as a distraction from a blow job, how do they suddenly become substantive when the action escalates from a limited air campaign with no loss of American life to an all out invasion resulting in the loss of life for American troops?
10. If the Bush administration, led by the evil GWB, lied about weapons of mass destruction in order to go to war, why haven't we found any WMD secretly planted by the Bush administration?
GWB may be evil, but he's not an idiot. (Well, at least his puppetmasters aren't.)
11. If you feel it would be too difficult to plant WMD in Iraq, because there are too many people watching, such that no one can do anything sneaky in Iraq, then why can't we find Saddam?
Agreed. The opportunity does exist to plant wfake WMDs in Iraq.
12. Do you disagree with the statement..."The weapons of mass destruction used in the 9/11 attacks were box-cutters"?
13. Do you think finding an airplane fuselage in a terrorist training camp in northern Iraq means terrorists were practicing hijackings? If not, for what purpose do you think they were using the airplane?
Do you mean the Kurdish controled area of Iraq overwhich Hussein had no control?
14. Knowing what little you may know about spy satellites, what do you think Iraq was hiding using the tunnel-digging equipment they bought from the French some 5 years ago?
Ummm. Tunnels? What do you think he was hiding? WMDs?
15. Why do you think Iraq had a 'Higher Committee for Monitoring the Inspection Teams' headed by Hussein's Vice-President, and son, Qusay?
To monitor the activities of inspection teams?
16. The fact that Iraq trained experts to foil UN weapons inspectors is documented not just by U.S. intelligence organizations, but by those of many other countries. Why do you think Iraq needed to use these tactics, if George W. Bush is lying?
Dr Blix said in February that the UN had conducted more than 400 inspections, all without notice, covering more than 300 sites. "We note that access to sites has so far been without problems."
17. In 1995, Iraq admitted it had biological weapons. They declared they had, for example, 8500 liters of anthrax. Where did they all go? If Iraq destroyed them, why would there be any need for more UN resolutions after that?
That admission, from an Iraqi defctor, also included the assertation that the agents were destroyed. If you beleive part of the claim, why suspect the rest?
18. When do you think Iraq abandoned their existing Weapons of Mass Destruction program? What do you think was their motivation for abandoning it- the 17th time the UN said 'pretty please', or the fact that it was spending too much money that could used for social programs to improve the lives of Iraqi citizens?
Because sanctions and international pressure where working.
19. Do you think the bio-weapons lab vehicles found in Iraq were being used as lunch wagons, or as mobile auto detail trucks?
This discovery has already been so thoroughly debunked that its continued assertion cast doubt upon all credibility.
20. If a terrorist organization attacked America tomorrow by spraying anthrax over a large city, would you blame George W. Bush for not doing enough?
No. I'd suspect he was trying to increase his election chances.
21. Would Hillary?
Would Hillary what?
22. How many minutes after the attack do you think it would take for Hillary to appear on CNN?
Not sure. But with Bush's demonstrated propensity to run and hide, I wouldn't be surprised if someone with some balls appeared before he did.
23. If an illegal U.S. president declares an illegal war, wouldn't the two cancel each other out?
If an idiot falls in the forest, would anybody care?