I received this very disturbing e-mail this morning. The FBI is rounding up activists and hauling them before grand juries, clearly aimed at stifling dissent. A meeting is planned tonight (Monday, 6/27) for those who want to learn more, and a protest is planend tomorrow (Tuesday, 6/28) at noon. Details below. -- LB
The San Diego FBI witch hunt is on. For some
background and overview of the situation please check out:
http://sandiego.indymedia.org/en/2005/06/109378.shtmlhttp://sandiego.indymedia.org/en/2005/06/109409.shtmlhttp://sandiego.indymedia.org/en/2005/06/109438.shtmlMonday, June 27th there is a community forum on the
grand jury at 7pm
the First Church of the Brethren, San Diego. 3850
Westgate Place, San
Diego CA 92105. A number of those who have been
subpoenaed and/or have
already testified will also be there to talk about
their experience and
the politics surrounding these proceedings. There will
be several
attorneys there talking about the grand jury process
and a number of
long-time activists who will share their stories about
how grand juries
have been used in the past to break social movements.
The 28th will be the first big day. 12 noon press
conference at the
federal building (front and Broadway).We need to get a
lot of people at
the federal building to show support for those
subpoenaed and to show
our outrage at this attack and the growing repressive
atmosphere in
country. Bring signs and yourself.
You can do (4) four things right now!!!
1) We are calling on people to call their politicians
to pressure them
to inquire about this fishing expedition and about how
the patriot act
and the grand jury are being abused. Ask why is due
process being
out the window and why the FBI cant do a regular
investigation that
doesn't violate peoples civil liberties? Similar
pressure stopped a
similar grand jury in Iowa in its tracks recently. A
few of those
people are:
Rep. Bob Filner (619)422-5963
Sen. Boxer (619) 239-3884
Sen. Feinstein (619) 231-9712
Donna Frye (619) 236-6616
City council:
http://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/sandiego@fbi.gov, (858) 565-1255
2) Give the media hell for every bad, hysterical
article they write
about this case!!! Also write letters to the editor in
support of the
San Diego activist community, etc.
3) Donate to the defense of those who have been
subpoenaed. The organic
collective is accepting donations for their defense
which could be a
long and ugly process. Those who plead the 5th and
refuse to cooperate
with this illegitimate process can be sentence to jail
for the duration
of the grand jury process (18 months, plus possible 6
People will also be missing work in order to appear in
court. Online
donations can be made at www.organiccollective.org or
arrangements can be made be emailing Rich at
plantlife@resist.ca or
Marisa (the partner of subpoenaed activists Rob
"Ruckus" Middaugh) at
4) Talk with every person you know about this case and
the increasingly
repressive climate that we find ourselves living in in
America 2005.
more information visit sandiego.indymedia.org
See you Monday and Tuesday!!!!!!