I don't watch much TV anymore, but I've seen her face on programs in the past, always,
always claiming she is a Democrat.
Well, well, well. What Democrat would have pictures of themselves with Sean Hannity and G Gordon Liddy on their home page? Hmmmmm?
I also appeared on Hannity & Colmes. (Click here to listen!) And yes, Alan Colmes is really great, tooHahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! Alan Colmes is so great you had your picture taken with
SEAN HANNITY you worthless piece of fake Democrat slimy Dean basher.
Here's what she said about Dr. Dean (thanks to Media Matters):
From the June 6 edition of Fox News Live:
BRIGITTE QUINN (anchor): Tammy, does it resonate with the base? A strategist for John Kerry made the point that he seems to be trying this class warfare strategy again, and this strategist for the John Kerry campaign says "that doesn't tend to work for us."
BRUCE: Well, it doesn't. Putting Howard Dean in charge of the Democratic Party is like putting O.J. Simpson in charge of a battered women's shelter. Here's the lying woman's website: