Was Janet's breast flash worse than airing BTK's descriptions of his
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Mon Jun-27-05 04:50 PM
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Was Janet's breast flash worse than airing BTK's descriptions of his |
mass murders on channel to channel cable and MSM news round the clock? They did the same thing with descriptions of Clinton's penis and his tryst with Monica and then had the nerve to ask, "What will we tell our children?"
Well, what in the hell are you telling your brain-washed RW darlings now about a President who lies to get us into war and who surrounds himself with other liars at the very highest levels of government to support his original lie?
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Mon Jun-27-05 04:52 PM
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keep us all afraid. Ms Jackson's breasts make us want to love one another.
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Mon Jun-27-05 04:53 PM
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2. Violence = good. Sex = Bad |
I'd guess that's because we're a Christian nation.
Yes. I'm kidding.
Sort of.
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Mon Jun-27-05 04:54 PM
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3. I turned off my teevee when that came on. |
And yes, I thought it was purely pornographic.
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Mon Jun-27-05 06:00 PM
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6. may I humbly recommend |
never turning it back on?
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Mon Jun-27-05 04:56 PM
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because to report this in detail was a choice not just a surprise revelation. The media meant to be obscene in my opinion.
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Mon Jun-27-05 05:03 PM
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5. americans LOVE their violence. |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:17 AM
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