Does anybody know if the magazine "Harper's" July issue is online? A caller on Malloy's told about this article called "A war against Disabilities" and it's what to expect when the soliders come home and come home to stay. Malloy asked her to give some highlights and here's what she said:
Percentage of soliders who have gone through antipations is twice that from any past conflicts. Over a quarter is suffering from head injuries. TBI (trumatic brain injury) is a new diagnoisis and what happens when they get their chimes run through helmets with bombs. They'll have trouble down the road with changling brains. They're okay as long as they're under DOD or under active duty. Once they're released they're overwhelmed in the VA and they can't handle these cases and in a position and they're under them the rest of their lives. So when these soliders come home things will be horrible. They've rotatied these twenty year olds back to back and not taking into accounts emotional trauma or treating it. Eventually they'll be back into society with all the PTSD, TBI, fear, rage, anger, etc. that Bush has done. Iraq's hidden cost are coming home. I also remember reading late last year reading an article that many soliders are coming home to poverty as well. I also read another article that same time from ABC about two different families who had a husband in war and came home. One guy would just burst out into arugment from anger at his wife. The second guy would be laying in bed next to his wife and he'd just start shaking in the middle of the night because he'd be dreaming a bomb is going off near him. Another guy called in and he is telling how his Senator put up a bill for the troops so the republicans can put their money where their mouths are. So it went through and they all voted it down. The head of the VA said they don't need the one billion and now they're saying now they need it. These people are coming back with limbs blown off and all these rightwingers are hypocrites. 42% of the American public still supports Bush. Those 42% should insisit their sons and daughters immediatley go and fight the war. The synogauges and church's should be lined up with recurits. We're buying their stuff and China has a brain and is buying up our assets. Capitalists will sell us the rope and that's what China is doing to us (even our flag is made from China). So while we're doing this war China is getting filthy rich from us.