There are two main Kurdish leaders; Talabani (PUK) and Barzani (KDP).
Barzani maintains that US plans to overthrow Saddam Hussein are shortsighted and unrealistic. Barzani declares that any Kurdish involvement in these plans would only lead to more tragedy for the Kurds.
When the plans fail, he says, the US would simply apologize for an error in judgment, as Henry Kissinger did in 1975. Kurds in northern Iraq have said they will not cooperate with the US action to topple the Iraqi government. Massoud Barzani, the leader of one of the two major Kurdish factions, stated:
"The Iraqi issue won't be solved by military action or covert action."Barzani and the leader of the other faction, Jalal Talabani, have
repeatedly stated their opposition to the external overthrow of the Iraqi leader and said they would reject his replacement by a military government, the most likely outcome of US action. The Kurds insist, Barzani said, that the solution for Iraq should be a "democratic, pluralistic, parliamentary Iraq". Without Kurdish cooperation and collusion, CIA and Special Forces cadres will not be able to operate in the Kurdish-controlled zone in the north of the country.,7369,739916,00.htmlSo Talabani ends up the new President of Iraq, and Barzani's words about US failure look set to come true...but forget any apologies, Barzani. bush never takes responsibility for anything.