This is going to be GREAT!
Junior is at his WORST when he's on the defensive.
He's going to sound like a snot-nosed, petulant little marb. And the best thing is that he's going to be giving the SAME DAMN SPEECH THAT HE'S GIVEN SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE!!
What can he say that he's hasn't all ready said?
It will be regurgitated lies, excuses, rationalizations, bull puckey cloaked in patriotism. More of the same.
Only this time, America is PISSED!!!
Junior is too stupid and narrow-minded to realize that the people don't like his Iraq mess. He won't change his tune though. Just like with Social Security, he'll keep singing the same ol' song--hoping that the 50th time is the one that finally convinces the sheeple.
It ain't happening!
I predict...and I firmly believe this...that Junior's polls will sink into the 30's after this speech.
Not only will it be ineffective and unconvincing--it will royally offend people who are looking for something other than lies, catapulted propaganda and 9/11 thrown in their faces to scare them into going along.
I'm watching tonight, I'm popping some corn and I'll be laughing my ass off--as I watch this insidious weasel try to claw his way out of the giant hole that he's dug himself into!!!