To see how Jerome turned up, you have to see this thread: and this: this:
Thank you for your kind words.
Yes, it is strange isn't it? It must really worry the powers that be too. We
can now circumvent the traditional confinement of geography, language, and
politics that the establishment has so often exploited to maintain control.
THe internet is quite something, and I think it will be the key to breaking
open the craziness and creepiness that our media and democracy have become.
Though, it's not without its problems.
People are starting to study how sites and articles propogate around the
internet virally, and there was an interesting article on
yesterday about it:, the truth knows no geography. Things are turning around for our
side. The more rabid the right becomes (evidenced in recent weeks), the more
we can be assured that they are losing the backing of the American people.
Maybe, and I mean maybe, if the American people show their disappointment
(understatement) with this administration, Bush will aknowledge his failures
and seek a new course. An act of retribution (such as canning Rumsfeld),
would be a dramatic and positive start.
However, I do not expect our leadership to make concessions. What Bush and
his administration are doing now is nothing new. It is an attempt to write
history from the perspective of the White House. By stating that we must
stay resolved, they are creating an out for themselves. Once Iraq is lost
(and they will allow it to happen by "staying the course" instead of trying
something new), they will blame it not on their own miscalculations, but on
a lack of resolve by the American people, instigated by the "Liberal Elite"
of this country. I still hear that it is my fault that we lost in Viet Nam,
all the fault of the liberals. They are doing it again.
Anyway, I've never heard of Foley, but I'm sure you being in the south gives
me more comfort than I you. Up here, Democrats/Liberals are a dime a dozen,
I suspect not so in your neck of the woods!
Good luck to you, and don't let anyone tell you that your opinion is
UnAmerican. The only thing that is UnAmerican is intimidation because of
political stance, AKA fascism. But get ready for it, it's going to be a
dirty few years.
I'm sure there are some things we disagree on, but the thrust of our
philosophies are probably the same. Keep up the good fight!