This is appalling to me. Am I being overly dramatic or is it reasonable to expect
our government to take care of the soldiers and their families? Should we expect the families to be seen standing at busy intesections holding up signs that say
Family Member in Iraq. Please Help? the Missouri Military Family Relief Fund to be administered by the Adjutant General. The adjutant general will make, subject to appropriations, grants from the fund to families of persons who are members of the Missouri National Guard or Missouri residents who are members of the reserves of the armed forces of the United States and have been called to active duty as a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and establish the eligibility criteria. In addition to state appropriations,
in each taxable year beginning January 1, 2005, Missouri residents and corporations can designate a minimum contribution of $1 on a single return or $2 on a combined return to be credited to the fund from their refund amount or by separate payment. The Director of the Department of Revenue is required to transfer the contributions on a monthly basis to the State Treasurer for deposit into the fund. Any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of the biennium will not revert to the credit of the General Revenue Fund. The provisions of the bill will expire six years from the effective date.