got a constructive idea from the FreePuke site. Actually, they seem to like to put up an entire article (not snipped like here) and then go off against it. It was an article from the Oregonian. Anyway, here it is...
Put a cap on war-based hyper-profits The Oregonian ^ | 09/23/03 | Robert Landauer
Congress did it in World War I.
And in World War II.
Again in the Korean War.
Why not now?
The United States is at war in Iraq, in Afghanistan and globally against terrorism. President Bush confirms the ventures' seriousness by asking Congress for an extra $87 billion of military- and reconstruction-related funding plus $41.3 billion for the Department of Homeland Security.
...An excess-profits-tax bill should be introduced into the House of Representatives and acted on without delay. No war-related contract should be awarded or extended without provisions indicating that the deal will be subject to any excess-profits ceilings that Congress enacts. Robert Landauer: 503-221-8157, or 1320 S.W. Broadway, Portland, OR 97201 or robertlandauer@news.oregonian.com It seems like a valid thing to do. Even "patriotic."