Immediate Release Contact: Doug Gordon
Tuesday, September 23, 2003 (202) 225-5871 (w)
Statement Of Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich
On The President’s Address To The United Nations
Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), leader of the opposition to the war against Iraq in the House, issued the following statement today on the President’s address to the United Nations (UN):
“President Bush’s speech today at the UN is further proof that the war against Iraq was a complete failure. The war has harmed the United States’ standing in the international community, has depleted needed funds from domestic priorities and is a distraction from the United States’ campaign to root out terrorism.
“It is now clear that the war against Iraq was unnecessary and unsuccessful. The President and his Administration misled the country and the world in the lead-up to the war. As the falsehoods and lies that the President and his Administration used to justify the war come to light the President is steadily losing support both at home and abroad.
“By executing a unilateral war, in the face of international opposition, the President has harmed the United States’ standing in the international community and further isolated our country from the very allies we need to continue to combat terrorism.
“It is time for the United States to become a willing partner in the international community. It is time for this President to abandon his failed polices of preemptive and unilateral war and work with the international community to restore peace and order to Iraq.
“The United States must begin the process of withdrawing from Iraq and allow the UN to take over peacekeeping operations. This is the only way to ensure true peace and stability in the region.”