Bush used OBL to justify calling Iraq a central front in the war on terror. We are supposed to believe that if OBL exhorts his followers to defeat the United States in Iraq, that means that Bush was right all along and that Iraq was in fact central.
Bush thinks people are all idiots.
Prior to Iraq, OBL had no chance of actually defeating and humiliating the United States on the world stage. Thanks to Bush, a rogue terrorist leader of a small bunch of nuts is on equal footing with the United States. Indeed, based on our humiliation, loss of life, expense, and prospects for eventual success it is hard to say that Osama isn't winning.
What chutzpah! Let's redefine chutzpah, because this Bush argument is worthy. Bush is saying that because he put the United States in a position to lose big, it was right to do so. And he probably has a lot of people who can't figure that out. It's begging the question on an unprecedented, brazen scale.