ooooh and they are "monitoring" George Soros! :scared:
TIOGA CENTER, N.Y., June 29 /Christian Wire Service/ -- If there was ever any doubt about the lie that has been perpetuated on the American people about "medical marijuana", this video clip should put the matter to rest. Cowan, former director of NORML (National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws) advises the Drug Policy Foundation (now Drug Policy Alliance) that the avenue to legalization of marijuana is by getting thousands of people to use it on the pretense that it is a medicine.
Ed Rosenthal, editor of High Times Magazine, jokes about his undiagnosed latent glaucoma, not a problem because he treats it getting high. He likes to get high.
Batting cleanup is the infamous Marsha Rosenbaum, who works for the Drug Policy Alliance, largely financed by George Soros, whose mission is to legalize drugs. Rosenbaum maligns her professional status by promoting the concept that we should be teaching children responsible use of illicit drugs...irrespective of the fact that alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs have devastating impacts on children whose minds and bodies are not fully developed, and in open defiance of the laws that exist to protect children by making any use of these controlled substances illegal.
Drugs alone cost this nation roughly $200 billion and claim an estimated 150,000 lives per annum. We need to hold our elected officials accountable for passing legislation that exacerbates the problem, and/or not enforcing federal laws that exist to protect our young people. "Medical Marijuana" is simply a hoax.
Editor's Note: Video Taper Link Can be found on the Soros Monitor at or