being a Christian. Not once. Ever.
In fact, quite the opposite. I live in Texas. If a fundie is bugging me, I can just say "Well, I'M a Christian..." with that smug face I've seen them make so many times and they leave me alone immediately. (Then I puke because I made that face...)
The mother of a friend of my daughter's consulted me for advice on reading material for her daughter because she knows I have a degree in that area AND she said, because "you're a Christian woman."
She was so gullible, I got the feeling I could have justified almost any material to her, just because of those qualifications (I ended up telling her no, I don't think reading the Harry Potter books will rot her daughter's mind).
About a year ago, I was in a conference and a woman befriended me and asked me if I was "right with God." I was very taken aback but told her, curtly, that I am a Christian (I was raised to believe it's rude to ask such things, thus my curtness). WELL hot damn, I had a new best friend. She kept griping about the two other women in her group and how she didn't think they were "right with God" and "us Bible-believing women have got to stick together" wink wink nudge nudge. Now, I don't necessarily consider her friendship to have been a boon, since I think she wasn't "right in the head," but you get my drift, right? If I were an unscrupulous person, I could have asked her for money for my "new woman's ministry" and I think, sadly, she would have whipped out her checkbook on the spot.
I've never been glared at for wearing a "strange" headdress. I don't know what it's like to get weird looks for a Star of David around my neck (although I've seen that done). I don't know what it's like to be shunned by my neighbors because we don't go to church or because we worship a different God, or no God. Other Christians automatically consider me (and themselves) to be an authority on the Bible, even though I know atheists and agnostics who know it FAR better than I ever have. Or ever will! I've never had a single person move away from me, put their children behind them or hold onto their purse more tightly upon noticing me.
The name of the God I believe in is on the money in my wallet. The name of the God I believe in is in the pledge of allegiance my daughter says each morning in school. Writings from the Bible my religion is based on are in courthouses and displays all over the country. My God's name is invoked all the time, before sporting events, in Congress, in Presidential speeches, and as Jon Stewart so aptly pointed out, people of my belief have occupied the White House....since the United States first had a president. In fact, in almost every state (or is it every state), you cannot even RUN FOR OFFICE if you claim there is no God.
I am a Christian, and as such, I enjoy certain benefits in this country. I've never been hassled for my religious beliefs. (I've been harrassed plenty for my political beliefs, though!) Someone on the internet saying I believe in imaginary creatures hardly counts as harrassment, and I find it so novel and unique as to cause me to giggle every time it happens. So THAT'S how it feels! :D
So what's all this victimization bullshit? Seriously, I want to know. When I hear these people talking about how they are such victims of horrible persecution, I want examples, hard examples and I never get them. Or I get this flimsy shit that doesn't even support their case. Oh, so the Ten Commandments can't be displayed in every single public school building, county hospital and courthouse? THAT makes you a victim? Hardly.
So what's this about? How exactly am I a victim because of my religious beliefs? I'd love to know, because so far, all I've seen is the opposite.