This is Famed race baiting, right-wing homophobic wack-o radio talk show host, Michael Savage:
When he didn't think he was a cool dude he appeared thusly:
But long before that he was known as Dr. Michael A Weiner PHD, author of "Reducing the Risk of Alzheimer's." (the only doctor to have a degree in nutritional enthnomedicine from U.C. Berkeley)
This book and an earlier report penned by Weiner in a medical journal created the famed aluminum/alzheimer scare.
Though now widely discredited and generally blamed on sloppy research procedures, he single handedly caused many to discard aluminum cookware, stop using deoderant, and almost ended sales of beer in cans.
It was speculated his research was "contaminated", and new studies find the cause to be more complex.
Now...I've heard that many insane people have above average intelligence, but was he pushed over the top by the hushed snickering from the liberal scientists he experienced whenever he entered the Berkley lab?
Maybe being called a "weiner" didn't help.
Links: has lived in Northern California for most of his adult life, making a living as an herbalist and nutritionist. He communed with Fijian traditional healers, got married in a rain forest and studied ethno-medicine at the University of California at Berkeley.'s the latest on the link between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease? 19-Dec-1997 an article appearing in the Townsend Letter for Doctors in 1993, Dr. Michael A. Weiner, executive director of the Alzheimer’s Research Institute summarized our present understanding of the dangers of aluminum exposure stating, “aluminum has been known as a neurotoxic substance for nearly a century. The scientific literature on its toxic effects has now grown to a critical mass. It is not necessary to conclude that aluminum causes Alzheimer’s disease to recommend that it be reduced or eliminated as a potential risk. It is the only element noted to accumulate in the tangle-bearing neurons characteristic of the disease and is also found in elevated amounts in four regions of the brain of Alzheimer’s patients.”16