Fightin' words from King
Rep. Peter King takes gloves off in replies to angry voters
WASHINGTON -- A lifelong boxing fan who himself trains in the ring twice a week, Rep. Peter King is not one to run away when it comes to confrontation -- even when it comes in the form of a letter from a constituent.
"I understand that you recently contacted my office requesting that I vote to censure President Bush," King, a Republican from Seaford, recently wrote Bellmore resident Harry Halikias. "I disagree with you in every respect. You are morally, intellectually and politically wrong. President Bush is an outstanding leader of outstanding integrity. Like Ed Koch, I thank God every night that he is our president. You should do the same."
Halikias, 28, a computer systems analyst, was taken aback by King's missive, which he said was an unwarranted response to his initial letter.
"I was somewhere between shocked and disappointed that someone elected to represent us would use that kind of language," said Halikias, a Democrat who says he may have once voted for King. "I think he took it personally when he didn't have to. I didn't question his morality or intellect."
<snip>,0,4527924.story?coll=ny-linews-headlinesI questioned our great leader and this is the response. Oh and check this out about the other person that received his hate mail.
"I would say she should take a tranquilizer," King said with a chuckle.