They've pretty much gotten everything they've wanted, of importance.
They got their war.
They got their Patriot Act.
So far they are getting away with arbitrary imprisonment without trial, suspending habeas corpus for the first time since the Civil War.
They got electronic, black box "voting".
They got House/Senate majorities, mostly as a result of war demagoguery.
They have cowed most of the media.
But now, the results of their policies are too plain to see. There is beginning to be widespread disaffection with the disastrous Iraq occupation, high gas prices and the like.
Is their hold on power secure? Even with BBV, is it possible that this little window of sanity could extend to where even widespread massive vote fraud couldn't plausibly maintain them in power, due to massive disapproval at election time?
Or are they poised to recover from all this? Democrats are not in a position to execute an impeachment. So is the only mechanism for their removal a Diebold tainted ballot box?