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Time is handing over Cooper's notes.

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BurtWorm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-30-05 10:20 AM
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Time is handing over Cooper's notes.
From their statement:

Despite these concerns, Time Inc. shall deliver the subpoenaed records to the Special Counsel in accordance with its duties under the law. The same Constitution that protects the freedom of the press requires obedience to final decisions of the courts and respect for their rulings and judgments. That Time Inc. strongly disagrees with the courts provides no immunity. The innumerable Supreme Court decisions in which even Presidents have followed orders with which they strongly disagreed evidences that our nation lives by the rule of law and that none of us is above it.

We believe that our decision to provide the Special Prosecutor with the subpoenaed records obviates the need for Matt Cooper to testify and certainly removes any justification for incarceration.

Time Inc.'s decision doesn't represent a change in our philosophy, nor does it reflect a departure from our belief in the need for confidential sources. It does reflect a response to a profound departure from the practice of federal prosecutors when this case is compared with other landmark cases involving confidentiality over the past 30 years. Since the days of Attorney General John Mitchell, the Justice Department has sought confidential sources from reporters as a last resort, not as an easy option. Neither Archibald Cox, the Watergate Special Prosecutor, nor Judge John Sirica sought to force the Washington Post or its reporters to reveal the identity of "Deep Throat," the prized confidential source.

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whistle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-30-05 10:23 AM
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1. Why is the military not being forced to hand over all Abu Ghraib

Why is Bush not handing over all the documents on John Bolton that the senate requested?
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Jackpine Radical Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-30-05 10:23 AM
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2. Depending on what's in the notes, Cooper may still need to testify.
For example, if the notes implicate someone & that someone is brought to trial, wouldn't Cooper have to at least file a deposition on the accuracy of the records?
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warrens Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-30-05 10:25 AM
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3. False analogy
Deep Throat was a whistle-blower, who merits protection because he is performing a public service. In that case, the reporter would probably take the hit, but it's unlikely the court would force the issue. In this case, the two White House thugs were actively conspiring to commit a felony. Our foreign intelligence was compromised and it is very possible that people died for this, since her method of recruitment was to attend foreign scientific forums and meet with "colleagues" from foreign countries and attempt to sign them up. If she had dinner with, oh say, a Pakistani or North Korean scientist, and they were observed....
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